STEM for International Teachers
Roots to Shoots: Deep and Transferable Learning (K-12)
Engage and Inspire the Next Generation through Modeling Instruction
We are a nonprofit subsidiary of the American Modeling Teachers Association, a professional organization of teachers; by teachers and for teachers, who utilize Modeling Instruction. We are dedicated to working together to raise the level of our practice. Student-centered and driven by inquiry Modeling Instruction engages students in deep learning.
We are a community of international science teachers living and teaching in overseas locations. Most of us are teachers of the International Baccalaureate® programs (Diploma and MYP) as well as the Next Generation Science Standards.
Modeling Instruction is deep learning at all ages. Through conceptual models for given scientific principles students continuously build and therefore transfer their knowledge, understanding and skills from K-12. With this pedagogy, students develop critical thinking skills, communication skills, and expertise with working in collaborative communities. Upon graduation, our students can branch out and engage effectively with a wide range of given scientific problems and phenomena.
Teachers who use Modeling Instruction as their primary method of instruction see heightened levels of engagement, curiosity, and motivation in their students.